Mille Montagne Residence Hotel a Andalo
Tell us about your experience

Experiences, travel stories

Experience your emotions in the most natural way possible!

Among its thousands of qualities, Paganella boasts that of being the perfect place for all kinds of sports and outdoors activities among the unspoilt countryside, sun-kissed days and magnificent views. A holiday in our Andalo residence hotel is synonymous with an active experience, a mountain break in the Paganella Dolomites amongst the colours of nature, breathtaking countryside, essential aromas and natural emotions...

Sarnacli Mountain Park

Family holidays in Paganella are more enjoyable thanks to Andalo’s child-friendly amusement parks.

Paganella Kids Club

Family holidays in Paganella are more enjoyable thanks to Andalo’s child-friendly amusement parks.

Wellness SPA and pools in Andalo

Andalo’s ACQUAIN is one of the best aquatic centres in Italy and has a full health and beauty centre offering treatments for the entire family

Trips to the city of Trento

The main town of the province, with its numerous historical and cultural tourist attractions is worthy of a visit during your holiday in Paganella!

Regional tastes and flavours

For a holiday in Paganella dedicated to “Trentino goodness”

Spormaggiore Wildlife Park

Discover the animals of the forest


Trento Science Museum

Booking and Info


We are sorry but this residence for reasons of organization does not allow pets. Visit these apartments

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2 room apartment